Brooklynn Hitchens. 2019-20. American Dissertation Fellowship, American Association of University Women (AAUW).
Niina Vuolajarvi. 2019-20 Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies.
Brittany Battle. 2018 Dissertation Fellowship, Ford Foundation.
Idit Fast. 2018 Doctoral Fellowship, Center for Engaged Scholarship.
Lindsay Stevens. 2018 Roberta G. Simmons Outstanding Dissertation Award, ASA Medical Sociology.
Jason Phillips. 2018 Larry J. Siegel Graduate Fellowship for Victimology Studies, American Society of Criminology, Division of Victimology.
Jorie Hofstra. 2017 Dissertation Improvement Award, National Science Foundation.
Ying-Chao Kao. 2017 Joseph Fichter Research Grant, Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR).
Lindsay Stevens. 2017 Graduate Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, ASA section, Sociology of Body & Embodiment.
Brittany Battle. 2017 American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship Program Award.
Jomaira Salas. 2017 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Brittany Battle. 2016 Honorable Mention, Ford Foundation Doctoral Fellowship for "Single Moms, Deadbeat Dads, and Broken Homes?: A Sociocultural Analysis of the American Child Support System."
Brittany Battle. 2016 Alternate, American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship Program Award.
Andrea Catone. 2016-1027 AAUW American Dissertation Fellowship for "The Embodiment of Parental Environments: Epigenetic Consequences of Parenting Practiced across a Spectrum of Presence."
Laurie Hills. co-Principal Investigator on Elizabeth Public Schools grant to School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers-Newark for research on high school graduation rates.
Ying-Chao Kao. 2016 Eastern Sociological Society's Rose Laub Coser Dissertation Proposal Award, Honorable Mention for "Transnational Circuits of Knowledge and Sexuality: How U.S. Christian Conservatism Circulates Globally to Shape Gender Equity Education in Taiwan."
Libby Luth. 2016-2017 PEO Scholar Award for "Advancing our Understanding of a Good Death: How social inequalities, end-of-life planning, and proxy characteristics influence our understanding of "good death" using multidimensional measures of perceived death quality."
Alexis Merdjanoff. 2016 American Sociological Association Mental Health Section Best Dissertation Award for "Weathering the Storm: The Long-term Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Mental Health, Mobility and Recovery."
Jason Phillips. 2016 Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems Graduate Student Paper Award for "Post-Incident Interpersonal Difficulty among Adolescent Victims of Violence."
Irinia Nicorici. 2016-2017 Open Society Foundation Civil Society Scholar Award for fieldwork in Moldova for "Soviet Citizenship Deconstructed: Archives of Belonging and the Intersections of Gender, Race, Nationality and Jus Labpris in Moldova (1948-2000)."
Niina Vuolajarvi. 2016-2017 Finnish Cultural Foundation fellowship for fieldwork in Sweden and Norway for "Precarious Intimacies: Migrant Sex Work in the Nordic Countries."
Niina Voulajarvi. 2016-2017 Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology funding for fieldwork in Sweden and Norway for "Precarious Intimacies: Migrant Sex Work in the Nordic Countries."
Teja Pristavec. 2016 ICPSR Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship for the ICPSR's Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of Michigan.
Lindsay Stevens. 2016 Society of Family Planning Research Fund Trainee Grant for "Reproductive Planning, Pregnancy Intention, Ambivalence, and Health Care Experience: A Qualitative Study."
Alena Alamgir. 2015 American Sociological Association's Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology Theda Skocpol Dissertation Award, for "Socialist Internationalism at Work: Changes in the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese Labor Exchange Program, 1967-1989."
Portia Allen-Kyle. 2015 Social Science Research Council Research Fellowship for "The Production of Social Order: An Examination of the Role of Social Threat and Social Unrest."
Portia Allen-Kyle. 2015 The Tobin Project Prospectus Development Workshop for "The Production of Social Order: An Examination of the Role of Social Threat and Social Unrest."
Analena Bruce. 2015 Rural Sociological Society Endowment Award for "Labor of Love: Entry and Persistence in Alternative Agriculture."
Maria Espinoza. ICPSR Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship for the ICPSR's Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of Michigan.
Hwa-Yen Huang. Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for "Crisis Events, In Betweenness, and Epistemic Transformation: A Phenomenological Study of Autobiographies of Illness and Political Violence."
Ying-Chao Kao. 2015-2016 Academia Sinica Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences for "Transnational Circuits of Knowledge and Sexuality: How U.S. Christian Conservatism Circulates Globally to Shape Gender Equity Education in Taiwan."
Amanda Kaplan. Summer 2015 Cornell School of Criticism and Theory.
Teja Pristavec. 2015 US Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security, Purdue University.
Eunkyung Song. 2015 Social Science Research Council Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop.
Niina Vuolajarvi. American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowship.
Haruki Eda. 2014 Phillip G. Davies Graduate Student Paper Award, National Association for Ethnic Studies for "Disaster Justice Feat. Research Justice."
Ghassan Moussawi. 2014 Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies for "Queering 'Progress, Interrogating the 'Modern:' Gender, Class and Religion in Contemporary Lebanese Sexual Subjectivities."
Alicia Raia-Hawrylak. 2014 Education Pioneers Graduate Summer Fellowship.
Janet Lorenzen. 2014 Graduate Student Paper Award, from American Sociological Association, Section on Consumers and Consumption Section for "Challenges to Reducing Consumption: Social Connections and the Problem of Gift Giving."
Eunkyung Song. ICPSR Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship for the ICPSR's Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of Michigan.
Analena Bruce. 2013 Graduate Student Paper Award, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society for "Labor of Love: Viability Strategies in Sustainable Farming."
Julia Flagg. 2013 Graduate Student Fellowship, Hertog Global Strategy Initiative on "The History and Future of Climate Change and Global Governance," Columbia University.
Chioun Lee. 2013 Young Investigator Colloquium Award, American Psychosomatic Society.
Janet Lorenzen. 2013 Brent K. Marshall Graduate Student Paper Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Environment and Technology Division for "Sustainable Lifestyles and Environmental Activism: How Lifestyle Change Supports Collective Action."
Janet Lorenzen. 2013 Graduate Student Paper Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Conflict, Social Action, and Change Division for "Convincing People to Go Green: Managing Strategic Action by Minimizing Political Talk."
Crystal Bedley. 2012 Graduate Student Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Racial and Ethnic Minorities Division for "Monoracial and Multiracial attitudes towards Racial Inequality."
Julia Flagg. 2013 Graduate Student Scholarship, New Jersey Society for Women Environmental Professionals.
Neha Gondal. 2012 Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, American Sociological Association, Section on Sociology of the Family for "Who 'Fills in' for Siblings and How? A Multilevel Analysis of Personal Network Composition and its Relationship to Sibling Size."
Chioun Lee. 2012 Louise Johnson Graduate Student Paper Award (Honorable Mention), American Sociological Association, Section on Medical Sociology for "Childhood Abuse and Metabolic Syndrome in Men and Women at Midlife: Sleep Quality and Eating Behaviors in Response to Stress as Potential Mechanisms."
Chioun Lee. Early Career Scholar Training Award. 2012. National Institute of Child and Human Development, the R25 "Building Careers for Research in Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence: Early Career Scholar Interdisciplinary Training Program."
Yu-Sheng Lin. 2012-2013 Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship.
Neha Gondal. 2011 Best Student Paper Award (Honorable Mention), International Networks for Social Network Analysis for "Discerning Meaning in Complex Structure: Understanding Personal Lending in Florence's Multiple Networks Ecology."
Jorie Hofstra. 2011-2013 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Shatima Jones. 2011 Graduate Student Paper Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Racial and Ethnic Minority Division for "Expressions of Relatedness: Everyday Talk and Interaction in a Black Barbershop."
Chioun Lee. 2011 RAND Summer Institute for the Mini-Med workshop and Workshop on Aging, Travel Award.
Chioun Lee. 2011 American Psychopathological Association, Travel Award.
Chioun Lee. 2011 Early Career Prevention Network Travel Award, Society for Prevention Research.
Janet Lorenzen. 2011 American Association of University Women Fellowship.
Kirsten Younghee Song. 2011 Graduate Student Paper Award, American Sociological Association, Section on Sociology of Emotions for "Mourning for a National Monument: News Media Representation of the Loss of the Korean National Treasure Number 1."
Elizabeth Williamson. 2011 Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award (Honorable Mention), American Sociological Association, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Neha Gondal. 2010-2012, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and Institute of International Education Dissertation Fellowship in Population, Reproductive Health, and Economic, Development.
Daina Harvey. 2010 Dissertation Fellowship in Hazards, Risk, and Disasters, University of Colorado for "If This Thing Had Never Happened: Moving on from Hurricane Katrina."
Chioun Lee. Early Career Prevention Network Award for one of the top three posters, Society for Prevention Research, 2010 (with Helene R. White, Eun-Young Mun, and Patricia Simon) for "Racial Differences in Trajectories of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Hard Drug Use among a High-Risk Urban Sample."
Chioun Lee. 2010 Minority Travel Scholarship, Society for Prevention Research.
Etienne Meunier. 2010-2011 Doctorate Degree Bursary from Fondation Desjardins (Québec) for "Sexual Risk in Urban Gay Communities: A Comparative Study of Subcultures of Unsafe Sex in Montréal, New York City, and Amsterdam."
Manjusha Nair. 2010 Distinguished Graduate Student Article (Honorable Mention), American Sociological Association, Section on Labor and Labor Movements.
Eiko Saeki. 2010 Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship for "The Ambiguous Boundary of Life: The Hybrid of Western Medicine and Local Knowledges in Japan."
Kirsten Younghee Song. 2010 Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems for "Living in the Ages of Indeterminacy: Korean Youths' Transnational Migration Experience in the U.S."