More Media Appearances for Karen Cerulo's New Book

Professor Karen A. Cerulo and graduate alumna Janet M. Ruane were interviewed on their new book Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future on Paul Samuel Dolman’s What Matter Most, Andrea Minghelli’s Harvesting Happiness, and Badri Rao’s YouTube broadcast “Ideas and Insights." Their book was also featured by Guiliano Aluffi in La Republica.

Even More Media Appearances for Karen Cerulo's New Book

Our faculty colleague Karen A. Cerulo and Graduate Program Alumna Janet M. Ruane were interviewed on their new book Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future on Larry Rifkin’s, “American Trends” and Cara Santa Maria’s “Talk Nerdy” podcast and Michael Asford’s, The Follow Up Question.

Paul Hirschfield Published in Annual Review of Criminology

Paul Hirschfield has published an article in Annual Review of Criminology entitled "Exceptionally Lethal: American Police Killings in a Comparative Perspective." This article relies on systematic comparisons across 18 countries to derive explanations of both high and low rates of deadly force. The article is currently available for free here:

Maria Espinoza awarded NCA Outstanding Book award

Melissa Aronczyk and Maria Espinoza are the recipients of this year's National Communication Association (NCA) award in the Public Relations division for Outstanding Book/Monograph for their book A Strategic Nature: Public relations and the politics of American environmentalism.

Karen Cerulo Featured in ASA Culture Section Newsletter

In every issue, the Culture Section Newsletter focuses on a cultural sociologist that has influenced the field in important ways.  Our faculty colleague, Karen Cerulo, was the subject of the latest article on this topic. Read “Four questions for Karen A. Cerulo.

More Media Appearances for Karen Cerulo's New Book

Our faculty colleague Karen A. Cerulo and Graduate Program Alumna Janet M. Ruane have done several media appearances for their new book Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future, including Dan Skinner’s “Conversations” on KCUR and David Hopper’s “The Academic Minute” on WAMC, Northeast Public Radio. An excerpt of the book was published in The Big Think on August 23, 2022.

Karen Cerulo's Appearances on NPR

Our faculty colleague Karen A. Cerulo was interviewed by Kris Boyd on Think, Texas NPR regarding her new book, Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future, coauthored with Graduate Program Alumna Janet M. Ruane.  Karen and Janet were interviewed on Dan Skinner’s Conversations on KCUR, Kansas Public Radio. 

Paul Hirschfield's Article in Foreign Affairs

Paul Hirschfield wrote an article for Foreign Affairs which explains why rates of public mass shooting shootings are much higher in the United States than elsewhere in the world, especially Latin America. You can read the article for free via this link:

Arlene Stein's Essay in Public Seminar

Our faculty colleague Arlene Stein published an essay (coauthored with Phil Zuckerman) on the dangerous implications of two recent Supreme Court cases concerning religion:

Karen Cerulo's Media Appearances for New Book

Our faculty colleague Karen A. Cerulo and Graduate Program Alumna Janet M. Ruane have done several media appearances for their new book Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future, including Jeff Schechtman’s Talk Cocktail; Matthew Crawford”s The Curious ManGood Day Tulsa; and Andrew Keen’s podcast Keen On

Karen Cerulo's Essay in The Conversation

A third pre-publication article based on faculty member Karen A. Cerulo and graduate program alumna Janet M. Ruane's forthcoming book, Dreams of a Lifetime: How Who We Are Shapes How We Imagine Our Future appears in The Conversation:

Quan Mai's Article Receives ASA Award

Quan Mai received Honorable Mention from the American Sociological Association Section on Labor and Labor Movements for their 2022 Distinguished Scholarly Article Award. The title of his article is "Unclear Signals, Uncertain Prospects: The Labor Market Consequences of Freelancing in the New Economy," (published in Social Forces, 2021).

Ali Chaudhary Elected to Serve International Migration Section of ASA

Faculty member Ali R. Chaudhary was recently elected to serve a three-year term as Treasurer/Secretary and Council Member for the International Migration Section within the American Sociological Association.

Eviatar Zerubavel to be Awarded SSSI's Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Eviatar Zerubavel will be awarded next month the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction's (SSSI's) 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award (also known as "the George Herbert Mead Award"), which "is given annually to recognize a scholar's contribution to the field of symbolic interactionism."

Karen Cerulo's Op-Ed in The Chicago Tribune

Professor Karen A. Cerulo and graduate program alumna Janet M. Ruane published an op-ed based on their research about people's dreams of the future. “Can Dreams of the Future Conquer Fear?” appeared in The Chicago Tribune (May 23):

Karen Cerulo's Essay in Psychology Today

Professor Karen A. Cerulo and graduate program alumna Janet M. Ruane published an essay based on their research about people's dreams of the future. It's entitled "How We Dream of Our Future: Seven misconceptions we hold." You'll find it in Psychology Today: 

"Scents and Sensibilities" Translated to French

Professor Karen A. Cerulo's ASR article, "Scents and Sensibilities: Olfaction, Sense-making and Meaning Attribution.” was translated and published in Socio-logos, the flagship journal of the French Sociological Association [En ligne], 16 | 2022, mis en ligne le 23 février 2022, consulté le 25 mars 2022:

Results 21 - 40 of 76